Part I: The Interface Between Sex Trafficking, Ritual Abuse, and Mind Control Programming

Jean Riseman, MSW; Donna Lyon, PhD; Anneke Lucas & Mary Sparrow | September 22 | 1:45-2:45 pm

Topic: Experience, International | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

This panel consists of four survivors of child sex trafficking, ritual abuse (RA), and mind control (MC) programming. As survivor leaders, they know many others who have endured similar mixed forms of abuse. Those working with sex trafficking victims often focus on exploitation through prostitution or pornography, missing signs of other forms of extreme abuse.  Panelists range in age from 58 to 85 and collectively have 121 years of healing. They will discuss how they were introduced to sex trafficking by their families and how their experiences ranged from being exploited by a local group of pedophiles to global elite child sex trafficking rings. Panelists will describe their mind control experiences. MC is a torture-based method of fragmenting a person's self to use them as sex slaves, spies, or assassins. Those abused in cults and/or subjected to MC are easy prey for further manipulation and abuse by sex rings. If the victims escape, they are often coerced back into the rings, despite the best efforts of their helpers to keep them safe. RA is the repetitive ritualistic abuse of children and non-consenting adults in a group setting in the name of an ideology. Panelists will discuss how they were abused by Satanists, Nazis, and dark occultists in the United States and Europe. Ritual abuse and mind control are seen in a subgroup of sex trafficking victims. Awareness of this kind of trauma is vital to helping survivors in their escape and healing. In Part II, panelists will describe their escape and entry into healing. They will also discuss personal examples and signs and symptoms of RA/MC. Resources for working with RA/MC survivors will be provided.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe each survivor's mind control, ritual abuse, and child sex trafficking experiences

·  Describe the effects of the abuse and signs exhibited of being a survivor

About the Presenters