Survivor Story - Overcoming Adversity: Why Not Me?

Vanessa L. Tynes-Jass, BA, LLB | September 20 | 9:00-10:00 AM

Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced | Location: Auditorium

This presentation will focus on one night that completely changed the trajectory of  Vanessa's life. In February, 28 years ago, Vanessa and her roommate, Kelly, were out together and with a 2 mm shift. Vanessa was not in the spot where Kelly was picked up and subsequently murdered that same night. Vanessa knew she was spared by God on this night and strived to escape the traffickers. After close calls on her own life and failed escape attempts, she was able to escape, return to high school, university, and then Law school, to become a successful lawyer. After years of success, CPTSD forced her to seek treatment and acknowledge her accomplishment. Once Vanessa found her true purpose, she came out of hiding. She realized that she was spared by God for a purpose and she finally began speaking about her story, realizing how inspirational her story is and how she can use her powerful voice to help other survivors. Vanessa's mission is to raise awareness and save lives of other survivors through scholarships.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Share an amazing victim/survivor story and how a 2mm shift changed the course of the survivor's life

·  Raise awareness of foundation for other NGOs or persons in attendance for fundraising and scholarship applications.

·  Provide an inspirational and an emotionally charged story to the audience to induce attendees to continue their purpose with respect to the human trafficking issue

·  To provide an example to any other victims or survivors that are in attendance

About the Presenter