Safe Harbor Expansion: Minnesota’s Leap Into a More Comprehensive Approach to Child Victim/Survivors of Human Trafficking

Sarah Ladd & Amanda Colegrove | September 22 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Room 2584

The State of Minnesota joins with other communities in asking: “How can systems be changed to better protect child trafficking victims, prosecute traffickers, and prevent trafficking?” The session will begin by explaining the history of Minnesota’s safe harbor model in the context of other state and federal responses to the trafficking of children. Then, the discussion will utilize interactive methods to discuss complex issues: interagency systems change, access to services, policy and service changes necessary to integrate labor trafficking into existing safe harbor models, development of survivor advisory boards, creation of multi-disciplinary teams and agency protocols, and the specific role of the child welfare system in the safe harbor response under the Minnesota No Wrong Door model. Participants with diverse backgrounds, including multi-disciplinary systems professionals, survivors of sex and labor trafficking, and researchers, will also benefit from the open-ended style of this workshop.
Presentation Objectives:

·       Explain the Minnesota safe harbor response model, including ongoing efforts funded by a federal OVC grant to expand safe harbor to all trafficking victims under age 24

·       Discuss the role of the child welfare system under recent federal laws and state amendments requiring identification and response to trafficking

·       Discuss Minnesota’s public health approach and the regional navigators model for improving access to services for victims of both sex and labor trafficking

·       Engage participants in a multi-disciplinary discussion on systems change designed to better protect victims, prosecute perpetrators, and prevent all forms of human trafficking

About the Presenters