Using the Sensory Modulation Program to Advance Interventions: Treating Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Other Behavioral Health Disorders

Miranda Tippie | September 22 | 2:45-3:45 PM | Room 3010A

There is an increasing awareness of trauma informed care and an interest in sensory modulation within occupational therapy (OT) practice with transitional youth and adults. Through community-based practice, occupational therapy has impacted clients’ lives through sensory approaches of calming and alerting techniques to manage symptoms and increase occupational engagement. Using sensory based approaches and a trauma informed care mindset expands treatment opportunities. Trauma Informed Care is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma (Trauma Informed Care, 2016). Implementing sensory modulation techniques is beneficial to expand innovative assessments and treatment approaches for clients. According to research, in using the sensory profile, there is sensory processing difficulties among people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Yeger, Levin, & Wiesel, 2013). Interventions related to sensory processing include activities and modalities with specific types and amounts of sensation, at strategic times of use, for a therapeutic purpose (Champagne, 2009). Increasing awareness to self-regulation, building sensory tool kits, developing sensory diets, and establishing sensory spaces will expand treatment with individuals with PTSD and other behavioral health needs. Approaches for treatment that include all senses are included in treatment for a holistic intervention.
Presentation Objectives:

·         Describe specific assessments to use for sensory modulation treatments

·         Explain sensory modulation treatment approaches to calm and alert clients to expand self-regulation skills

·         Discuss how to put together a sensory diet for individuals with PTSD and/or other behavioral health needs

About the Presenter